14 things I love about my husband..
In honor of Valentines Day, I got this idea from Haley over at Chasing the Robinsons and thought it would be a great time for me to do just the same and post the 14 things I love about my husband. So here it is, a lovey, cheesey love post about how much I love my husband.
14 things I love about my husband,

02; I love the way that he grabs me and throws me to the ground threatening to tickle me to death.
03; I love that he will take the time to help me decorate the house, hang vinyl, and paint the walls.
04; I love when he walks out in his army blues, or camo uniform. He looks plain ole sexy.
05; I love when he grabs my hand and mimics Pepe Le Pew saying "Should I kiss you like this.."
06; I love that he will go to a chick flick movie with me, or sit on the couch watching army wives every night.

08; I love that he is always telling me I look beautiful, even if I clearly don't feel that way.
09; I love how he is always up for any crazy idea I have in mind and he does it with an amazing attitude.
10; I love how he leaves his socks on the bathroom floor.

12; I love that when I ask him to put something away, he puts it in the wrong spot. (happens almost every time)
13; I love that he will always rub my feet, back, ankles anything to make me happy.
14; I love that even when we were 2,000 miles apart, I could still feel him near me, loving me, and helping me through my rough days.
-------------Basically, it doesn't matter if Ty leaves his clothes on the ground or if he does the laundry, I just love every part of him, every action, and every little thing that he does. Because at the end of the day, the only person I want next to me is him and I am lucky enough to have him as my husband, my best friend & my supporter through this crazy life. I am madly in love with this kid.--------
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