I don't know about all of you, but part of me just LOVES spring time. It isn't too hot, but it isn't too cold either. Once spring time starts to roll around, I get all sorts of excited about summer coming and all the adventures summer brings, that I had to start getting in the spring mood. I started off by organizing and cleaning out the pantry. T & I stayed up one night until 2 AM deep cleaning, and organizing the pantry... & let me tell ya, I feel a whole bunch better having everything organized & clean! Every morning when I wake up I open all the doors & windows to the house because... its 65 degrees and the fresh breeze smells amazing! Not to mention, we spend every day in the swimming pool, tanning & relaxing!

Ah, I am so excited for this summer...it is our first one as a married couple! I cannot believe I have been married for almost 8 months, time flies by when your having fun...or when the army had your husband for 6 months... either way, I am glad summer is on its way! My sister in law came down and stayed for a couple days and we had a blast. We went swimming, made spring crafts, shopped... I love spending time with family & my adorable niece! T got a job with home depot!! I am beyond thrilled & that means....we are stayin

g in St. George!! I haven't quite decided if I am going to be starting hair school in September, but I guess time will tell. I am glad that he landed the job, because it made deciding so much easier for the two of us on what to do with our lives. We have enjoyed having a week off together before T starts his new job. It has gave us time to relax in our pool, get some odd end errands finished, and spend time together. T has decided to take two jobs right now to help us save for Hawaii in July! He will work from 5AM-11PM and then 4PM-2AM working at home depot & the Walmart distribution center. I personally think he is crazy for working those shifts, but we are trying to save up money for the summer & what not. Life has been pretty good, pretty crazy but I enjoy taking on this adventure with T. I have been swamped with pictures lately & now we are taking the weekend to head to the glorious Mesquite, to spend time with family. Oak is still good ole Oak. All she does is sleep, sleep, and then begs for a treat. Our spring break was kind of lame, so we are planning a trip to CA the end of April. T has a battle buddy that lives down there who is getting deployed soon & wants us to come visit him and take a little trip. We are just going to go down for a weekend, since it isn't a long drive from where we live now. I am excited, because I love the beach & I love CA!

On the bright side, I cut my hair! Ah, it's super short to me but I am loving it so far! It is so much easier to do every morning and takes only 10 minutes to blow dry rather then 35! I think I am going to love having short hair for the summer because of the heat, humidity, swimming times, etc. So here's a post dedicated to spring, summer, warm weather, and pool days. I cannot wait to take summer 2014 and turn it into something amazing. What about you? Do you have any fun summer plans?
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