Weekend recap || May 23-25 and Memorial Day
I'm a bit late with this weekend recap. Life's been crazy insane, Archer turned three months old on the 24, watch for his three month update after this post!

Monday came which was Memorial Day and we hung out with both my family and T's. We went to the cemetery and spent some time At my nieces grave.. She passed away in Decemeber and life hasn't been the same since.. We had a family BBQ that day and then we went go T's family BBQ. We spent a good amount of time with both families and everyone got to play and see Archer.
I'm so grateful to be married to a U.S. Soldier and that he chose to protect our
Country. It's a scary occupation but I know that it is what he was meant to do. He plans on staying in the military till its time to retire. He loves the service.

I'm so excited for this next week. We originally were going to drive to NM but instead we decided to fly to Dallas and then take a short road trip to NM to see our friends. We leave tomorrow (Friday) at 1:30 AM. I'm excited but nervous to fly with Arch but he's literally the best baby and will do so awesome. We haven't seen Skyler & Aspen in about five months and they haven't met Archer yet! We cannot wait to see them in about 24 hours!!
I am so proud of T. He has been working so hard to get the malcestic priesthood this last year and the hard work has paid off. He will be ordained next week and will be able to bless Archer on the 14th of June.. We both have felt the spirit so much these last couple of weeks. We went and bought T two new suits and started planning the blessing. I cannot wait.

We still haven't decided where we want to go in life, but T has put his applications in for linemen school in 4 different states! So nervous but so exciting. I can't wait to see where we end up. We continue to pray about where we need to take our family and what's best for us and I'm ready for everything to fall into place. This is such a long post and I blogged of my cell phone but I have so much on my mind that I'm making it all into one big one.

In so grateful I was given T and Archer. I dunno where I would be with out the two of them. I have to get surgery in the next couple of weeks and I am nervous but I know that T will take care of Archer while I'm recovering and will help take care of me too. T is such a great dad to Archer and helps around the house more then ever. We are always on the same team, we hardly ever bicker anymore (not that we did much anyways.) But we spend our days laughing through text messages while T is working and then we spend our nights laying in bed watching netflix, TV or some type of movie. Life is good right now and I am so excited for summertime.
I'm going to attempt to post archers 3 month update tomorrow if all goes as planned. I have to pack and prepare for our mini vacation.
I'm going to attempt to post archers 3 month update tomorrow if all goes as planned. I have to pack and prepare for our mini vacation.
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