Holy cow, how has it already been 5 months since A was born. It really has flown by and been the best months of my life. I love being a mom, and I love being able to stay home with A and take care of him. I am the luckiest girl there is to have little mister A as my babe. Archer is learning and progressing so much its insane. I see a little man now instead of my little baby. He is constantly changing & learning I can't keep up!
Size | Archer is in size 2 diapers & 6-9 clothes. He is growing so fast its insane. He is weighing at about 20-22 lbs even though he weighs so much he isn't chunky. He is just a big boy, which is okay with this momma! Bigger babies are much healthier & we already know he has a good future on his hands. Football player like his daddy, motocross rider like his uncle Brody & Grant, medical field like his Uncle Colten, and anything western for Aunt Jaycie & Grandpa Brett! Our little guy is going to be such an awesome kid I can but I cannot wait to see what he grows into.
Hair | His hair is getting thicker on top! Its still kind of a lightish brown color and is SO cute. We do a comb over, mohawk, spikes, etc. I love it!!
Eyes | Oh baby they are blue!!
Sleeping | Archer has been a great sleeper since day one. He goes to bed about 9ish and wakes up at 7ish then back to bed until 10:30 AM!
Eating | Archer is eating food like a champ! Our pedi gave us the okay to feed him anything we eat as long as it is pureed. Every morning he eats a fruit+rice/oatmeal+yogurt and then he has a small lunch time snack, and then for dinner he has whatever we are eating (pureed of course) + some type of baby food. I am still making all his baby food from scratch and I love it! I feel so good being able to make the food for my baby and not have to feed him store bought that I dunno what has happened to it! We had to change his formula because he kept throwing up! So we are good to go and he is still eating his bottles during the day, along with apple juice in his sippy cup!
Milestones | this month has flew by! Archer has been learnings so much and I love how he is his own little person with his own little attitude.
- Sits up on his own (falls over here & there)
- grabs his toes
- fell off the rocking chair (idk if this is a milestone but I want to remember it.) .. I felt like a horrible mom
- Had his first 4th & 24th of July
- Went to sand hollow boating!
- Stayed with grandma Lane for 24 hours while mom+dad went on an anniversary trip!
- Stayed at Aunt Jaycies
- drinks out of his sippy cup SO good!!
- wants to crawl so bad, he gets up and then falls down.
- been to his first waterpark
- been to the zoo
- saw fireworks for the first time!
Loves |
- TV. He is addicted to it.
- his toes!
- Splashing & playing in water
- blueberries & green beans (not together.)
- apple & pear juice
- bath time in the sink
- Ozzie & Grandpa Bretts dog, Mo!
- napping in his crib
- balancing with dad!
- playing in his teepee
- watching the rodeos!
nicknames | Arch, Archie, A, Bubs, Bubbie, Mister, Wild.

This month has been fun with Archie boy!! We have traveled, took him swimming/boating/fishing, etc. We have enjoyed the sun and also got a bit sunburnt! He has been such a happy turd and has started to get a bit wild (falling off the rocking chair) and climbing up you! I cannot believe that next month you'll be 6 months old! I am dreading it, but am so excited to see you grow into a young man!
Labels: Archer
Ah so fun! I have a little boy who was born March 31st! He's a big guy, too. :)
Big babies are the best! I do get sick of people always saying "he's only 5 months old!" It kind of gets on my nerves after a while!
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