I originally started this blog to keep all our friends+family updated about everything that was happening with us but then I decided to change it all up and to become more of a fashion blog. But I love doing posts about my family and an update about all we have been through lately. I hope you enjoy reading along about my life and a small little update. I can't remember the last time I did an update, but Ill just kind of start from the first of the summer.

June // June came and went so quickly I didn't really get a chance to enjoy it. We returned back from NM in May and next thing we knew June had came. We spent a lot of time outside and went swimming a lot. When you live in 100 degree temp you spend a lot of time either inside or outdoors in the water. T celebrated fathers day for the first time and we spoiled him rotten. Archer and I decided to buy him a brand new set of golf clubs and a golf club card that allowed him to go to all of Saint Georges best courses. He was super excited and then a couple of days later we decided to go buy a black ford F-150! We were so excited to buy a truck because 1. we needed one and 2. T was so glad to have his "man card" back by driving a truck not a car. We certainly love it and it has been SO nice to have one! I am so glad that we both have nice vehicles to drive and are enjoying them. Archer got blessed on June 14 by his dad, and T did such an amazing blessing. I am so proud of him and the choices he has made to make it to be able to bless his son. That is one thing we both decided when we found out we were pregnant that he wanted to be the one to bless him. It was such a good day surrounded by family+friends. We went to little Jamaica and hung out with T's brothers down there. Archer loves water and loved the coolness of the spring. All in all June FLEW by and left us wanting more.
July /// July started out with a fun family vacation. We joined my fam ily and we went up to Salt Lake City, UT. We hit the hogle zoo and the kids had a blast. Archer was just kinda "eh" but loved to eat ice cream and snow cones. We all had a blast and then watched the fourth of July parade in Provo, UT and went to Cowabunga bay and ate way too much food. We laughed and had such a great time. We spend July going for rides in the truck, exploring places in Saint George that we had yet to see and enjoyed the time as a family. Archer grew up a lot this month and learned so many new things. We went to sand hollow with T's family to spend some much needed time in the water. We rented a boat and went tubing, and played in the water. Archer loved to sit in the water and splash. We ended July with the 24th of July AKA pioneer day. It is a Utah holiday that is bigger then the fourth. We went to rodeos, horse races, parades, and spent the whole time with T's family. Archer loved to watch the horses at the rodeo and was the cutest little cowboy around. He turned 5 months old on July 24th and is a little wiggly monster. We celebrated our 2 year anniversary on July 26 by going to Las Vegas, NV. We went down and stayed at the MGM in their tower spa suite. It was the nicest room I had ever stayed in and we had a blast. It was the first time leaving Archer and I was so nervous but it was such a nice time to spend just the two of us. We went and saw Le Reve The dream at the wynn and it was SO cool.. I cannot wait to go back and see another one. We ate at waffle bliss, swam, and just enjoyed our summer together.

August /// August flew by way too quickly. I threw my best friend a baby shower and it turned out perfectly. She had such a great turnout and got so many things for baby Tex. I cannot wait for him to arrive. Tex and Archer are going to be best friends and are going to give us both a run for our money. We went to the Washington fair and Archer loved to look around at all the lights from the carnival rides. We rode out to Veyo, UT to see some cool red rocks and it was nice to get out on a dirt road and enjoy ourselves. We went to the Beaver County Fair two days in a row. We went to the rodeo with our good friends Trexton & Kenzie and had a blast. We always laugh so much when we are with them, its always a blast. We then ended the fair with the demolition derby and that was also a good time! A couple posts ago I had mentioned that T was going to be applying for Linemen school. He had an interview with the school so we headed up North for a quick little getaway. It was kinda a waste of time because after talking with them we have decided it isn't in his best interest to go that route. So that was a scratch off. We have wanted to get Archer a build a bear since before he was born so we finally got him one. We decided on a batman build a bear and he loves it. We saw Archers little girl friend Kyznlee and her momma! I got offered a job at a dental office and after much consideration I have decided to accept it. I have been there for about a week now and I love it. I love everyone I work with, and the dentists and it really is so perfect. I was so sad to leave Archer but I found the cutest nanny who comes to my house (I refuse daycare) and she loves him and takes such good care of him. I feel much better leaving knowing that he is in good hands. He is always fed and happy, and she picks up my house and makes it look spotless. Things are working out so good for us and I am so thankful. We ended this wonderful month by a camping trip with the 222. T's drill unit always has a family mountain drill so we went up camping. We sent T and Trexton up to go camp while Kenzie and I stayed back in Beaver to do some pictures. I love having her as a friend and I am so glad she is one of my friends, we have gotten so close so quickly and I am so thankful for her. We always have a blast and end up laughing our butts off. Not to mention she helps me SO much with Archer and is always so good to take him and play with him!
I really feel so "content" with life right now. Even though things didn't work out with the linemen apprenticeship I feel it was meant to be. I really do not want to move North for personal reasons and this school was going to require us to move North up to Salt Lake. I guess time will tell what happens next but for right now I am so blessed and content. I really cannot believe just how lucky I have gotten. I have a strong marriage, a handsome, healthy baby boy and even though sometimes things may not seem like they are always the best, at the end of the day I am so blessed and so thankful.
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