I cannot believe that in a couple of weeks Archer will be six months old, half a year, half way to one years old. These last 6 months have flown by with my little and I cannot even begin to stand that he will be 6 months old. He is so smart, and is sitting up by himself, and already wanting to start crawling. He eats super well and eats homemade baby food and some solid foods. He laughs at everything, naps super well, sleeps through the night, and is just all around such a good baby. I don't know how I got so blessed to be his mom, but I am beyond thankful. Motherhood has taught me so many things, even in just a short 6 months. I love my little family, I love my family, T's family, my incredible friends, and everything that has fallen into place for us. I am so grateful for everything and everyone who stumbled across my life and for those who have walked out, I am even thankful for that. Being a mom has made me realize that all you really need is your spouse and children. I would choose Archer and T over anything, anyone, any day.

Labels: Archer, Lifestyle, motherhood
Sweet boy!! Time goes by way too fast!! Let me know if you figure out how to slow it down. I've been trying for years now.
Oh, goodness! He is just too cute, and that hair!! I love it.
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