Finally some time...
Hey there, I feel like it has been months since I have blogged, I have sat down a million times to try to blog about the new stuff happening in our life but just haven't had time. I actually have 4 rough drafts because I start to type and then something comes up and I end up saving it and forgetting. So here's hoping I get through this post before pinterest catches my eye ;)
Lets try to sum up what has happened the last couple months, and it will be all over the place as I try to remember things we have done.....
April: April seriously flew by! I started to work because I just needed something to do, I am working at a furniture store called passport and loving it... except I am now redecorating my house...again! I know, I am horrible! T got promoted in the Army, which was amazing news! I love being able to see him accomplish goals, and move forward in life! We spent our weekends and evenings laying in the pool, or going to the lake! We bought this huge raft with our friends Haley+Sean, and it seriously is so fun to just go and relax on the lake! Next came Easter, we spent it in Beaver camping with T's side of the family! I love being able to go back home and see family, get out in the mountains, and get away from the city life for a bit! I don't know if I ever blogged about T wanting to take me to see the Hoover Dam last December, but we finally made it to the Hoover Dam! I have wanted to see it for the longest time and every time we had a trip planned something happened and we couldn't go! We both had a day off so we packed up and hit the road! It was such a neat experience, and totally left me speechless! I recommend everyone to go check it out if you ever can, it is neat! April treated us so good, we laughed, we cried, & we had a blast being together!

the same time that I am traveling to Oregon, so we will both be gone at the same time which is nice. ...... We also are heading to MAUI HAWAII in JULY!!! AH, I am so beyond, enthusiastically excited to go! I have always wanted to go but never got the chance. So when our good friends Haley+Sean said they were getting married there the SAME DAY T and I got married we decided we had to attend! So we will be heading to Hawaii in July to celebrate the marriage of our good friends and our one year anniversary! It is SO crazy how fast time has flown by! I also found out that I am going to be an aunt again! I am happy to be able to be getting a new niece or nephew... Cannot wait until July to find out what Baby Davis #2 is! We are now considering buying a new vehicle. But T and I are having an little argument/war on what type of car to buy. You see.... he wants to buy a jeep, but I on the other hand want to buy a "mom car" or a SUV. I have my heart set on a 2014 Hyundai Santa Fe... but again T wants a 4 door Jeep Rubicon! So I guess we will see who wins this battle.. but I have a feeling it's going to be him because I am starting to give in a little bit.
Time will tell...
with love, Shalyn