Monday, June 15, 2015

Blessing Day ||

Yesterday we chose to have Archer blessed.  T just got ordained with the malchestiziek priesthood and was able to do the blessing.  It was such a special day for our little family and our little boy.  Our closest family and friends came to join us and it was all around an awesome day.  After the blessing we went back to our pool area and had a BBQ while everyone swam, chatted, etc.  The weather was so hot and the pool felt so good.  We stayed and swam until 5 that night!  I love Saint George summers. They are pretty toasty but nothing beats that swimming pool!  Archer loved his little float tube and just relaxed in it.  It also was my dad's birthday!  We felt that was a good day to bless Archer and share the day with my dad.  We ate way too much food, and had a lot of laughs.  It was such a perfect day and T gave Archer a beautiful blessing.  I love my family and I love this life I am living.  Afterwards everyone went home and T and I just relaxed.  We ordered in pizza and rented the Duff.  It was such a good movie, I think it may be one of my favorites from here on out!   I mentioned once before in a blog that if your wanting a fun little camera to purchase an HTC RE.  I seriously LOVE it!!  We have been so blessed with awesome friends+family that love our little Archer!  Everything is going so smoothly and we couldn't be more thankful.

Check out this Video, its too cute!

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