Friday, March 27, 2015

Free items for soon to be moms

Babies are expensive, no doubt about it. When I first became pregnant I searched high and low for all the must have items & trends. Along the way I found some deals that scores you free items. You do have to pay shipping, but it is a lot cheaper then regular priced. 
This is a code for a free car seat canopy. They are a life savor for every baby. Use coupon code "freecanopy14" at checkout. This coupon doesn't expire.
I never ordered me one of these but I've heard a lot of people love them. If you want to spend some money on a product and see how it works, test it out. Use code "freesling14" at checkout to get a free sling. 
I ordered one of these and they are smaller then a boppy (heads up.) I use it at my backup and travel one since its smaller.. This has been an essential item for me & if planning on nursing I would use coupon "freepillow14" and get yourself one! 
I have one of these because when I'm out and about I want to stay covered. I keep it in my diaper bag and it comes in handy here & there. Use coupon code: "freecover14" at checkout 
I orderd myself two of these belly button body, and I honestly hated them. They made me too hot, and they weren't comfortable & added an extra layer. Some people love them, I didn't .. But try for yourself "freeband14" 
Trendy, stylish leggings for free? Sure, why not. Use code "freeleggings14" for 5 free pairs!
These ar shandy when your body is changing. I've woke up several times with with leak marks. I highly suggest ordering extra pairs, these are more comfy then then the disposal ones. Use code "bitmfree15" 

Make sure to sign up for gerber, similac, and all those important brands. They'll send you samples & freebies in the mail when it becomes close to your due date! Free stuff always comes in handy & is always a plus when having a baby! 

Hope this helps! 
Xoxo, Shalyn 
