Homemade Baby Food || Part One

You will need:
- blender, magic bullet, baby bullet, etc.
- fruits and/or vegetables
- measuring cup
- water
- pot of boiling water
- ice cube tray (I recommend two if your planning on making a big stash at once.)
- spoon
- bowls

I had a gift card to Target (love that store.) that I had gotten for my baby shower. I have been holding onto it until the time was right and it just so happened it was time. I went and purchased a baby bullet. If you don't want to purchase one, you can use a blender or a magic bullet. I really wanted one because I love their containers. It makes it much easier, plus it included a recipe book that helped me get started. There are also tons of accessories that you can buy along with this. Like this, and this. I am consider buying this recipe book.
Anyways, I went grocery shopping. I made the food above in two separate days. The first day I started with pears, apples, bananas, avocado and green beans. I got a big pot of hot water and got it to a boil. I then used (2) pears and (2) apples and put inside. I left them in there for a good 30 minutes until they were super soft. In the mean time, I peeled and cut the banana and avocado. I used just one of each. I added a 1/4 cup of water in the bullet and purred them until they were soft. I then used an ice cube tray and filled the avocado and banana mixture into the tray. (separate.) I put them in the freezer to freeze and started on the next foods.
After the pears and apples were steamed/boiled, I peeled the skin off and sliced. I started with the apples and I added about 1/4-1/2 cup of water and got them done and then did the same with the pears. My banana and avocado wasn't frozen yet so I used the magic bullet frozen ones and put those in. I let those sit until frozen solid. I brought them in the house and ran hot water on the bottom of the trays and they popped right out. I had a million breast milk bags left over from pumping, so I used those and labeled what the food was and the date made. I could fit about 5 ice cubes in one baggy. I loaded them up and put them back in the freezer.
I continued to do the same with all the foods I had. I either boiled, microwaved or smashed up the food depending on what it was. It was super easy and took me about an hour to finish them all. (not counting freezing time.)
Archer loves his homemade baby food and I love knowing where it came from and what was put into it! It was super easy to do and I will do it from here on out. Hope this helped!
Labels: motherhood