2 month old update |||

Anyways Archer turned two months old on the 24 of April! I cannot believe my baby is two months old. He has changed so much and progressed so much in this last month it is insane.
Size (Diapers, Onesies, Etc.): He is wearing 0-3 and some 3-6 month clothing. He is such a little chunk! He weighs 14 lbs and is 25 inches long!
Eyes: Blue and they keep getting lighter and lighter. I love it.

Sleeping: HE goes to bed around midnight for good and wakes up at about six. He likes to play with his dad at that time so T gets up with him, feeds him a bottle and goes back to bed.
Eating: He is primarily breast feeding but we had to start some formula this month due to my milk not being enough for this chunker. He loves to eat and eat and I cannot keep up with the little guy!
- Started talking aton this month! He lays on his playmat and just talks to his toys. It is seriously the CUTEST thing ever.
- Kicks his legs and splashes while in the bath tub!
- Is more awake and alert during the day rather then sleeping all the time!
- He had his two month old shots the other day and took them like a champ! He didn't hardly cry, but this momma sure got a little teary eyed.
- He has taken his first trip to Salt Lake City, UT & Mesquite, NV and rode like a charm!

- The bath
- His toys
- Daddy
- His new Aden & Anais Blankey
- looking at himself in mirrors
- His bottle
- Eating his hands and giving kisses
- our puppy, Ozzie
- To be outside
- Rolling to his side
- Talking to everyone and giving the biggest smiles to everyone!
- Having his cheeks pinched!
- When you make grunty noises at him, he gets the biggest smile!
- When you don't feed him fast enough.
- When his diaper isn't changed right away.
- when the TV is on
and i cant get enough of all his stylish outfits!
I am in love.