3 Month Baby Update ||
Three months have already flown by since this little Mister joined our family. Three months of being a mother, three months of my life being changed for the good, and three months of fun. No one really can prepare you for motherhood, you just kind of jump in and go with the flow. Sometimes you end up sitting on your knees in the Men's Warehouse store trying to change a massive blowout diaper that exploded all over you and your son.. but hey, just go with it. Which reminds me- I despise places that do not have a changing table or a baby sling. Like what do you expect moms to do when they need to change their baby? Sit on the floor?... Well yes, that happened yesterday to me. We were shopping for suits for T with my mom and I smelt the worst smell.... Archer had pooped. The man showed me to the restroom and when I got inside there was no changing table. My mom sat down on the toilet, I held up Archer and we used some very intense teamwork but we got him changed luckily. He had exploded his diaper and poop was all over him, myself and the sink.. but hey thats what they get for not installing a changing table. c'mon now. Anyways back to my post,
Archer turned THREE MONTHS old on the 24! So here's a little update on this babe of mine ||
Size | (diapers, clothes, etc.) Archer is currently in a mixture of 0-3 & 3-6 month outfits. He is wearing 6 month sized pajamas because of those loooonngg legs of his. His diaper size is a size 2 in the honest company and a size 1 in Huggies but face it, he prob could be a two in both but I have a huge box of size one diapers left so his chunky bum is squeezing in those for a bit. Archer weighs about 16.5 lbs and is about 25 inches long.
Hair | His hair is still pretty much the same, it has gotten a touch lighter but for the most part it is the same. Not bald, but not super thick. Just kinda average. We do our annual Mohawk for the day or for church a cute little come over. T was blonde when he was a baby and I was dark but turned blonde, so I am excited to see if Arch will turn or stay dark!
Eyes | His eyes are blue, and I am 99% certain that they are going to stay blue or get bluer. T has blue eyes and so do I so the odds are high that he will have blue eyes.
Sleeping | Archer slept in his own crib/room last week for the first time. He is sleeping from 11:00 PM to about 6 or 7 AM depending on when T has to go to work. He takes his annual two naps during the day and a couple cat naps here and there.
Eating | Archer is on formula now because I ran outta milk, but he is drinking between 6-8 OZ about every 4 hours. We will start him on baby food and rice cereal next month!
Milestones |
- Archer is almost about to roll from his back to his belly he tries so hard!
- He smiles whenever somebody makes eye contact with him.
- He does a high little giggle every now and again but we haven't heard his full on laugh.
- He is taking a bath like a big boy, he lays on his back and splashes like crazy!
- He rolls from his belly to his back every now and again, but he loves his belly!
- He uses his jumper and he loves to sit in it, play, etc.
Loves |
- His jumper
- Bath time
- Laying on his belly
- Stroller Rides (facing out.)
- Smiling & Talking
- His elephant toy
- Looking at himself in the mirror or on cell phones.
- To stand up, hold himself up, etc.
- Sounds, he has to have some type of sound or he gets all cranky.
Nicknames | Archer has a couple different nicknames that we call him. Archer Roo, Archer Poo, Arch, Archie Boy, Archie, Little Yardley, Archeronie, & Archie Bunker (Grandpa.)
He is the happiest baby, and I am not even joking. I got so lucky with him. He is going on his first plane ride tomorrow and is growing quicker then we can imagine. We are blessed with this little guy.
Look at how much he has changed! It is so unreal.