Archer | ONE month old
I cannot believe my little babe is one month old already. Time flies by, let me tell ya. It has been the funnest month of my life. Adjusting to motherhood is an incredible experience. I went from thinking all about me & Ty to everything being about Archer. I hardly buy me anything, everything we spend our money on is Archer. He is the center of our whole world and we couldn't have asked for a better baby boy. This last month his personality has started to come through that little body of his. He's been on several car rides, went swimming, 4 major blowouts, met all his immediate family members, and been kissed too many times to count!
........You Archer
-have been to 2 doctors appointments - the first one you weighed 7 lbs 8 oz (2 oz smaller then at birth) and then two weeks later you weighed in at 8 lbs 9 oz. Today you weigh 9 lbs 5 oz. mainly because you love your milk!
-know who your parents are and when mom holds you, you automatically get hungry.
-eat like a hungry hungry hippo and are scarfing down 4-5 OZ every 2-3 hours! You gulp milk so fast you have to stop to catch your breath & most the time you end up choking.
-love to be in your mama-roo or your car seat. Once you get in either of them, you are out like a light.
-love to go on stroller walks & fall asleep as soon as we start to move.

-love love love bath time! We end up in the bath with you every night, and you love it even more when mom or dad joins you.
-pee every time we take your diaper off. It flies across the room!
-went swimming for the first time this month. You weren't a fan of the sun blazing in your eyes, but you kicked your little legs as soon as you hit the water.
-have made several trips to target with mom and always ends up buying you way too many clothes!
-can hold your head up pretty good for a couple of minutes.
-are starting to make eye contact with people and will follow them with your eyes.

-have lightest brown fuzzy hair and grayish blue eyes.
-you have slept 6 hours straight.
-were left alone for 3 whole hours with your Aunt Jaycie & Laini and Uncle Colten, Brody & Braydon... and your still breathing. You only went through 3 outfits in those 3 hours is all. ;)
-are the highlight of your dad and I's lives.. and in reality I think all the families. We are so in love with you and blessed with the cutest, happiest, best baby there ever was.
Size (Diapers, Onesies, Etc.): He is still wearing his Newborn size clothes and Size 1 diapers!
Eyes: They are a grayish blue! But I think they will turn blue for sure!
Hair: A light brown, I am hoping it turns blonde in the future!
Sleeping: Archer goes to bed around midnight (Were late owls) and wakes up around 5 or 6 AM! He is already such a good lil sleeper!
Eating: He is strictly Breast Feeding.
- Went swimming for the first time this month. He wasn't sure what to think but didn't scream so I think its a good thing!
- You weight 9 lbs 5 oz.
- Your awake more during the day.
- Starting to hold your head up on your own super well!
- The bath
- Mamaroo
- Daddy
- Stroller Walks
- Heartbeat, Womb machine
- the boob.
- To be outside
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