(totally forgot to publish this post... oops!)

Archer is one week old today - I cannot even believe that a week ago my sweet, baby boy was born. This has been one of the best, hardest, and tiring week of T and I's life. Archer really is such a good baby, and I know everyone says "Oh just wait!" But its so true, he hardly ever cries, he just makes the sweetest little grunt sounds when he's hungry. He loves to cuddle up next to T and myself and just be loved on. Grandma has been here this week helping our little family adjust to life as a family of three. She has been such a big help on helping us learn and take care of Archer. I have been around newborns a ton (being a newborn photographer) but there is something different about it being your own child. Not that I am not super protective of my clients babies, but there is just something different about it being your own kid. I worry 100x more now that I have my own baby. At first I was so skeptical because nothing and I mean nothing wakes me up.. I can sleep through almost everything and so can T. We are heavy sleepers over here, and we both worried that we wouldn't hear Archer cry or wake up in the night. But the first night at home, every little peep he made, I woke up. It was mainly a fear wake up, but after realizing he was okay and just needed to be fed I settled down. It is so crazy that after you have a baby something inside just "clicks." My mom has been telling me that I would get this mother's intuition, but I honestly never believed her. But once Archer came and that first night hit us, it finally clicked inside that I do have mother's intuition and that I am a mom. Life is crazy and this new role that I hold is beyond incredible. I have never felt more love for someone then I do for Archer. Not to mention watching T love on his baby boy, and being the best possible dad ever made, makes me fall 100x more madly in love with him. Our little family is blessed beyond words. Archer makes everyone happy, he smiles so much (I dont't care what anyone says, they aren't gas pains - they are smiles!) :) .... Life is beyond incredible at this moment in time.
Update on Archer:

Archer weighs 8 lbs. 1 oz. which means he has officially gained his birth weight back. 3 days after delivery he weight 7 lbs 12 oz. He is a little chunk and loves to eat. He is nursing, taking a bottle and a binky! **SCORE** He is waking up only one time during the night to eat, wearing NB size clothes & diapers, and we recently found out he is allergic to Johnsons baby lotions! BOO. Archer loves: his binky, cuddling with anyone, looking at his daddy, being in his car seat & car rides, being on his belly and sleeping on his side. He hates: Oaklee & Ozzie, wearing hats, his bassinet, and being on his back. He has such a cute personality and we spend way too much time cuddling and holding him, but that is totally okay. Both sides of the family are smitten by him, and are pretty proud. We all are proud of this little baby boy. We sure do love him..
Labels: Archer, Lifestyle
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